50-50 to Show

The turn brought the

The river card was the

"I really like this pot, I don't want to lose it," said Amendola. "Will you show me?"
"I'll tell you what, I'll flip a coin and you call it. If you get it right, I'll show," responded Nathwani.
After another minute or so passed, Amendola mucked, saying, "Dealer, dealer, what are you doing to me here?!?!"
Amendola then tossed Nathwani a coin which had Mickey Mouse on one side and the number "1" on the other. "Which side are you?" asked Nathwani.
"I'm Mickey," responded Amendola.
Nathwani tossed the coin in the air and it landed in favor of Amendola. Nathwani then showed the