2009 PokerStars.com EPT London
��5,000 EPT London Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info
The flop was

Level: 27
Blinds: 30,000/60,000
Ante: 5,000

Seat 2: Martin Gudvangen - 3,510,000
Seat 3: Nikolai Senninger - 2,175,000
Seat 4: Raymond Wu - 1,535,000
Seat 5: Aaron Gustavson - 7,140,000
Seat 6: Dominic Cullen - 2,105,000
Seat 7: Peter Eastgate - 3,535,000
Seat 8: Rui Milhomens - 1,100,000
Play will begin in approximately fifteen minutes and you can also follow the action on EPT Live.