Meanwhile, I couldn't help but notice that Great Dane Gus Hansen, who arrived slightly later in the day, has already dipped down to 4,000 in chips.
2008 EPT - Prague
�5,250 Championship Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info
Meanwhile, I couldn't help but notice that Great Dane Gus Hansen, who arrived slightly later in the day, has already dipped down to 4,000 in chips.

After being bashed down to just 1,500, Lodden doubled up twice to 8,000, only to sky-rocket right up to 23,000. Moments later he was down to 18,000, then 13,000, before jumping back to 20,000.
Even as I put pen to paper, Lodden was getting his fingers dirty once again. With Daniel Mangas making it 2,500 preflop, Lodden bumped it up to 6,000 from the big blind, only for Mangas to slide his entire stack across the felt. It was 11,875 more to Lodden, but he opted for the fold to leave himself with 14,000.
Phew, I'm getting dizzy just writing about it.

Level: 6
Blinds: 150/300
Ante: 25

Although initial aggressor Roux passed, Norinder was less hospitable, pushing all in for 10,000 more. To his surprise, his opponent took thirty seconds to call with

An eightless board and Norinder was left to embrace the pot with the most welcoming of arms.

Freidman now on 24,500. Neighbour Johannes Strassmann, camera crew in tow, is also running well with 21,000.