Good Times For Festival Organizers

Festival co-founders Martin "Franke" von Zweigbergk and Enri Orav are thrilled with how the first two days of the 2016 Cash Game Festival London has been going.
"Franke" shared with us what he felt about the festival so far in just one word - "Amazing!" He added that, "I am very very happy. We are getting more tables today than yesterday."
Furthermore, von Zweigbergk is thrilled that the festival is now global stating, "How should I say it? We are now global with the Cash Game Festivals at Aspers!"
Orav is equally excited sharing, "Things are going great. Lot's of nice guys and great personalities playing today. Included in the action is an ex-Premier League footballer which is pretty big I think. Other than that there are some action guys, some businessmen, so it's great!"
The co-founder is also thrilled about the attention the festival has been getting from poker-media around the world and the working atmosphere sharing, "Content has been great as well for the festival with everyone doing as well as they can. Workers are great and the working atmosphere is perfect!"
Aspers Casino Westfield Stratford City Head of Poker John Scanlon also is happy about bringing the Cash Game Festival to his casino stating, "It's been very good today. Different action today with a lot more Omaha with many different players coming in which is good. I think a lot of the players that played yesterday are a bit tired since they played a long session. We expect them to all come back tomorrow and congregate together to create a super-fight."