J.J. Tozzi Eliminated in 3rd Place ($10,706)

J.J. Tozzi decided to play his on the slower side, raising to 300,000 before the flop and allowing James Kinney to enter the pot.
When the flop rained down to give him top two pair, Tozzi's enticement appeared to have done the trick. He made another small wager of 300,000 and Kinney insta-called to see the
drop on the turn. When Tozzi shoved all in on fourth street, he heard Kinney snap him off with authority in his voice, and the strength suggested he was beat.
"Dang it!," was Tozzi's response when he heard Kinney call him down. "You got the flush don't you?"
"Straight!" replied Kinney, as his was tabled with a flourish.
The river came and Tozzi failed to fill up, leaving him to head for the payout desk in 3rd place for a $10,706 payday.