Event 13: Jeffrey Benhart Eliminated in 9th Place ($2,295)

Jeffrey Benhart just became the latest victim of James Kinney's incredible heater, after his suited big slick was caught up to by a a dominated hand.
Benhart open-shoved for his last 550,000 and Kinney quickly made the call with , the confident nature of his action suggesting he strongly figured to hold the best hand.
Kinney was mistaken though, as Benhard tabled to put himself in a strong spot to score a double.
The flop of hit both players hard, but Benhart was now trailing with a queen on board. His four-flush provided nine additional outs, however, and he was by no means out of the running. When a
arrived on the turn Bernhart could now make a Broadway straight, and he called for a ten as fifth street fell.
A black card came off but clubs were the wrong kind of black for Bernhart, and with the shock still visible on his face, he headed to the payout desk to collect his $2,295 payout. Kinney, meanwhile, has gone on a tear at this final table, busting the first two players to build a huge stack of more than 4.1 million chips. To put Kinney's lead in perspective, the chip average at this point is just 1.05 million, and there are only 8.45 million in play.