Event 13: You Get What You Give

With the blinds set at 12,000-24,000 and a 4,000 ante, Joe Degeorge tossed out three of the orange T1000 chips and took a look at his hand. The previous blinds were set at 10,000-20,000 with a 3,000 ante, so Degeorge's erroneous ante was obviously just an oversight, but when he took a look at in the hole, that single ante chip was was destined to join its brethren.
Degeorge opened the pot for a raise to 80,000 - more than three times the big blind - and watched as the table folded around to James Kinney in the big blind, who peered down as his hand while beginning the tried and true custom of table talk.
"I'm starting not to like you," said Kinney with a smile, selling the story that he was displeased with Degeorge's attempt. "You keep doing that."
Rather than release his cards, however, Kinney then announced himself all in to put Degorge at risk, and the latter called off for his last 550,000 or so with big slick. When Kinney tabled though, Degeorge was left calling for kings.
The board answered his call, coming , but a lone pair on the river was not enough to take down Kinney's pocket rockets. Moments after accidentally putting an insufficient amount of chips into the pot, all of Degeorge's chips were now pushed across the table to Kinney, who now sits as the chip leader with more than 1.7 million to work with.