Aussie Millions + Australian Open = Great Fun

Another great thing the Crown staff likes to provide for some of the players at the Aussie Millions is tickets to some of the Australia Open matches. Yesterday, Jason Mercier, Daniel Negreanu, Daniel Alaei and Maria Ho ventured over to the matches and got involved in some friendly (but possibly expensive) wagering with one another. Here's what we gathered from some of the Twitter action.
@JasonMercier: "Watching tennis live is so amazing Always liked watching it on tv but never became a full fledged fan #nevertoolate I might start playing 2"
@JasonMercier: "Just got laid 8 to 1 from @RealKidPoker he took sharapova to win the match even tho she los thet 1st set. I like my side. What's pinny line?"
@JasonMercier: "Laid Alaei 7-1 same bet when Maria was up 5-2 in 2nd set. I either win 30k or lose 4k #feelslikeafreeroll #letsgogermany"
@RealKidPoker: "@JasonMercier laid 25-1 on the Hewitt match Chinese auction style. Feel stupid laying it but also like its free money"
@JasonMercier: "Took 25 to 1 vs @RealKidPoker on hewitt over djokovic. Burning money but sweating an injury. #nogamblenofuture"
@RealKidPoker: "@JasonMercier enjoying a.... Yeah."
@RealKidPoker: "Video Aussie Open w @JasonMercier @eholla4 @MariaHo @dalaei and an old crabby couple who hated us #mostlyme