Sarwer Soars to Lead
Level 2
: 100/200, 0 ante

Evan Panesis opened the action to 525 with Jeff Sarwer making the call from the cutoff before Jann Suchanek three-bet to 1,900 from the small blind.
Panesis made the call, as did Sarwer, to see a flop fall and Suchanek continue for 4,200.
Panesis passed, but Sarwer made it 11,500 to go before Suchanek responded by moving all in for over 46,000. Sarwer instantly made the call for his 33,550 as the cards were tabled.
With Sarwer in tremendous shape to soar to the chip lead, the on the turn would render him only needing to fade one card in the deck to chop.
The on the river wouldn't be it as Sarwer doubled through to 73,000 as Suchanek was left with just 13,000.