PokerNews Strategy's "MacDaddy34" Takes a Nice Pot

After a player limped in from under the gun, Evan "MacDaddy34" Panesis raised from the hijack seat to 900. Richard Willson reraised from the small blind and made it 2,200. The limper folded before action went back to Panesis. A strategy pro from PokerNews Strategy, Panesis reraised to 6,650. Wilson made the call and would have to play out of position from here on out in the hand.
The flop came down and Wilson checked. Panesis checked behind and for now the pot wouldn't get any larger despite some aggressive preflop action. The turn card was the
and added a second diamond to the board. Wilson checked and Panesis checked behind.
The river completed the board with the to bring in a backdoor flush draw and also complete some straight draws. Wilson was first and tanked for a bit before checking. Panesis also tanked, but he didn't check. Panesis fired 7,000 and Wilson made the call.
Panesis was the beneficiary of those backdoor diamonds as he tabled the for a flush. Wilson mucked his hand and lost the pot. Panesis stacked his chips and now has 57,000 in his stack.
As mentioned before, Panesis is one of our pros at PokerNews Strategy, which is currently running a special sign-up promotion for the Aussie Millions. Visit PokerNews Strategy and enter the code "AUS2001" when creating your account to receive three FREE days of full membership! If you then subscribe further within one week of your trial, you'll get 20% off! Take advantage of the offer and unlock your potential!