Jordanou Exits

Level 6
: 2,500/5,000, 0 ante
Alexander Kostritsyn entered the pot from the hi-jack with a raise to 15,000 only to be met with a three-bet of 45,000 from Billy Jordanou out of the small blind.
Kostritsyn took his full measure of time before making the call as a flop landed and Jordanou checked over to the Russian. Kostritsyn slid out a bet of just 28,000, and once Jordanou made the call, the dealer dropped the
on the turn.
Jordanou checked and Kostritsyn pushed in a stack of chips to effectively put Jordanou all in. Near instantly, Jordanou made the call for his last 50,000.
With Jordanou trailing, the fell on the river to end his tournament as Kostritsyn climbed to 480,000 in chips.