Channing Out Flushed

Neil Channing can be seen chatting to friends on the rail. Although facing a sick situation Channing was nice enough to approach the blogging desk to let us know how he departed from the tournament.
Channing was in the big blind when his opponent made a min-raise to which Channing called.
Channing then check-raised his opponent making it 23,000 all up to play.
The turn card was a to which Channing led out for 44,000. His opponent called and a river to come.
The river was the . With more than two thirds of his stack in the pot, Channing then decided to ship the rest of his hand in the middle. His opponent called and turned over
. The nut flush. A cooler for Channing who held a lower flopped flush.
Channing was sent home in 26th place collecting AUD$3,015 for his time.