Aarno Kivelio Eliminated in 5th Place (AUD$11,325); Joel Gaffney Eliminated in 4th Place (AUD$15,855)

Put a fork in Aarno Kivelio and Joel Gaffney because ladies and gentlemen they are both done and dusted in 5th and 4th place respectively, after a double-knockout has left us with just three players.
Kivelio bet pot from the button, Harry Demetriou calling from the small blind and Gaffney moving allin from the big blind. With action now on Kivelio he to would be allin, Gaffney having him covered. Play came back to Demetriou, with his monster stack towering over the two short-stacks. Demetriou made the call, cruely putting two tournament lives at risk.
The board ran out , the devestating jack on the turn being the end of the tournament for Kivelio and Gaffney.
Kivelio is sent home in a respectable fifth place earning AUD $11,325, while Gaffney goes home in a gallant fourth place receiving AUD $15,855.