A Few Hands
We didn't catch the preflop action on this hand, but the flop read and Carlos Mortensen bet 500. Alexander Kostritsyn, on the button, made the call and the turn brought the
. Mortensen bet 1,000 and Kostritsyn folded.
In the next hand, Carlos Mortensen limped from the button and Alexander Kostritsyn checked his option. On the flop of , Kostritsyn bet 300 and Mortensen called. The
fell on the turn and Kostritsyn checked to Mortensen who bet 400. Kostritsyn folded.
One hand later, Kostritsyn folded his button.
On the next hand, Carlos Mortensen limped from the button and Kostritsyn checked his option. The flop came down . Kostritsyn bet 300 and Mortensen folded.