Shklover Wins Against Vinson
Level 8
: 600/1,200, 0 ante

Mike Shklover has moved up to 55,000 in chips after taking down a pot against Ben Vinson, who's now down to 25,500 in chips.
The action folded to Grant Trask who min-raised from the cutoff; Shklover called from the button and Joe Hachem and Vinson called from the small and big blinds respectively to go four-handed into a flop that read , which was checked all around.
Hachem then checked the turn of the ; Vinson opened for 4,000, Trask folded and Shklover called. Hachem folded, making it heads-up to the river of
, where both players checked again.
Shklover turned up for the straight and Vinson sent his hand straight into the muck.