2010 Aussie Millions
Event 2: $550 PokerPro No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info
Level: 4
Blinds: 150/300
Ante: 0

Chick opened to 500 and was raised by Jie Gao to 1,500. Chick called and they took a

On the flop Gao led 1,500 and Chick raised him to 4,500. Gao bet to 16,000 which would commit both of them to the pot. Chick moved all of his chips and Gao called turning over

The board completed

Stewart Scott playing under the PokerPro screename "Reigning Champ" continues to look good in the tournament. He just eliminated his second victim of the tournament and moves up to 58,000.
With Chick's elimination we have 78 players left in the tournament.
Level: 3
Blinds: 100/200
Ante: 0
With a limper in front in Benton looked down at

The board blanked, sending Benton up to 46,000 and the opponent out to the rail.
Joining that player on the list of early departures is Sam Khouiss. Khouiss found his

He got no help from the turn and river and is out.
Level: 2
Blinds: 50/100
Ante: 0
We've also already had an elimination. On a flop

It was a bad call, Scott had

The PokerPro system is a fully automated poker table that combines the speed and efficiency of online poker with the thrill and feel of playing a traditional live game.
Players only have a limited amount of time to act on their hands, so the PokerPro tables alleviate much of the unnecessary and irritating tanking that goes on in the live version of the game.
The tables fit up to ten player and instead of chips, each player sits in front of his or her own personal touch screen computer on which all of their betting actions are controlled. A larger monitor fills the middle of each table and displays the pot size, player actions, community cards and stack sizes of each player.
When set up for a cash game, the players can either purchase pre-paid cards to deposit money into the table, or set up their own PokerPro account.
Today, all 10 of the PokerPro tables in the Crown Poker Room are filled with tournament players who have each paid $550 to play in this unique event.
It's also one of the most loaded fields you'll encounter in a $550 buy-in event.
Some of the sharks include 2009 Aussie Millions Main Event champion Stewart Scott, 2009 APPT Sydney Champion Aaron Benton, Andrew Jeffreys, Jonathan "xMonsterxDongx" Karamalikis, Daniel Neilson, Michael Guzzardi, Sam Khouiss, and Josh Budin from the PokerStar.
Of course rather than the riffle of chips, we had the automated sound of electronic cards being "pitched" to the players.