Huge Flop for Both Players

Jeppe Drivsholm raised to 75,000 yet again and Chong Cheong made the call. Cheong was in the small blind and Drivsholm on the button. Cole Swannack thought about it for a moment from the big blind, but then folded.
The flop came down an extremely draw-heavy . Cheong led right out for 75,000 and Drivsholm went into the tank. Eventually, he raised to 200,000 after a minute or so went by. It was now Cheong's turn to tank. He did so and then made the call.
The turn brought the and the crowd "Ooh'd" and "Aah'd". Cheong checked and Drivsholm checked behind.
The river put the measley on the board, not really what the crowd wanted to see. Cheong fired 150,000 and Drivsholm called. The hands turned up were quite a sight to see. Drivsholm tabled the
for a flopped broadway straight, but lost to the
of Cheong for a flopped flush. Cheong was left shaking his head thinking that maybe if he raised the flop the money would have gone in. He's now up to about 3.7 million and Drivsholm down below one million for the first time today.