Lern-ing to Five-Bet Shove

In early position, Oscar Teran opened the pot to 1,600, and Mikhail Mazunin flat-called from the next seat over. Around to the button, we watched Aaron Lerner stack out a raise to 6,900 and slide it forward across the imaginary betting line. That was enough to quickly fold Teran, but Mazunin was apparently thinking more sinister thoughts. After taking just a quick pause for effect, Mazunin four-bet to 19,200, and that drew a curious look from Lerner. He stared down at his own stack.
"How much do you have?" Lerner asked, leaning forward across the table. Mazunun had 63,200 behind the reraise, both men essentially playing stacks of the same size. With a nod of the head, Lerner quietly announced, "All in," and the dealer threw the triangle-shaped button in front of his stack. Mazunin went fairly deep into the think tank, and he considered his decision for about three long minutes before making the call to put a big pot up for grabs.
There wouldn't be much for Lerner to sweat as the board ran
. The dealer mistakenly announced that he was covered, but a quick re-count gave Lerner a 4,500-chip rebate. He looks awfully grumpy right now.
Mazunin, not so much with the grumpiness. He's up to about 165,000.