Lebedev Might Need New Trousers
Andriyan Lebedev was the first player into the pot, opening with a hijack raise to 650. In the small blind, Eric Assadourian three-bet to 1,800, and that sent the decision back to Lebedev, He squirmed in his chair and checked his cards several times. And then checked them again.
"Have another look," Assadourian said, chuckling. "Did it change?"
After another moment (and yet another check of his cards), Lebedev made a reraise to 6,300 total, and Assadourian gave him a sideways look. Eventually, he called to see a flop of
. When Assadourian checked, Lebedev announced an all in for about 16,000 total. Assadourian had about 19,000 chips left, and the move sent him into the tank for a minute or so.
"You're so nervous," he finally piped up. "That's what's putting me off. I don't know if you're nervous, like, big hand or..." Assadourian trailed off. With a shake of the head, he sent his cards into the muck and he's right back down around his starting stack once again.
A few minutes after the hand, Assadourian was still talking with one of his table mates about the decision. "He was really nervous when he reraised me. He was s****ing his pants."