Flush-over-Flush for Toleafoa

Nauv Kashyup opened to 3,100 from early position and was called by Tom Grigg and Ropati Toleafoa to see a flop fall.
Kashyup continued for 5,200 as both Grigg and Toleafoa came along to see the land on the turn and Toleafoa lead for 15,000 with Kashyup passing and Grigg calling.
The river landed the and Toleafoa took the passive route of checking as Grigg fired out 35,000.
Toleafoa went into the tank for two minutes before making the call holding his . However it would be Grigg's
that would see him scoop the pot to climb to 165,000 as Toleafoa slips to 110,000 in chips.