Top Pair Slowroll for Wing
Level 4
: 150/300, 25 ante

On a flop of , Tom Wing fired out a bet into two opponents, but only one made the call as the
landed on the turn.
This time Wing's opponent took the lead by firing out a bet of 3,500 with Wing smooth-calling as the landed on the river.
After a few minutes deliberating, Wing's opponent eventually tapped the table indicating a check, as Wing followed suit.
"I can beat absolutely nothing!" announced Wing before his opponent tabled his .
Wing then happily tabled his as he began raking in the pot to send him over the 65,000-chip mark.
"Oooooooo! What a slowroll!" screamed tablemate David Saab.
Following a few laughs from some of the players, the losing opponent asked, "so you're not calling 11,000 on the river?"
"I snap call!" exclaimed Wing.