Myhre Comes Roaring Back
We don't know what the first raise and re-raise were preflop. We do know that Myhre put in the first raise, and then the third raise to 71,000, a raise that covered his opponent. His opponent tanked for a while and then called.


"Queen-jack?" said another player at the table. "Wow!"
The flop brought two hearts,

"Nice hand," he told Myhre. "I really thought you'd do that with any two cards."
After he departed the table, Theo Tran gave his own analysis.
"He out-thought himself. Even if [Myhre] is making a move, he's still behind king-four. Queen-jack? Even ElkY folds that."
"I fold, I fold," Bertrand 'Elky' Grospellier agreed.
Myrhe is up to 240,000.