Seat 8: Ivan Zalac, Australia -- 92,500

Ivan Zalac is one of the most lovable characters that we've encountered on the ANZ tours. His personality away from the felt belies a deceptively-steely focus and determination to succeed on it.
Zalac has been playing poker for three years after first seeing the game on TV and jumping into his local pub poker tournaments. Zalac describes himself as a semi-professional player and has become a master of winning satellites into these events on PokerStars.
Zalac has already tasted success this week after winning the Pot-Limit Omaha trophy during the week, which he is looking forward to taking back home to show his biggest fans �� his wife and kids. Although, even as these bios were being written, Zalac was overheard asking about the structure for tonight's side event, so perhaps he's looking for yet another trophy... or two! He has some work ahead of him, though, entering the final table as the short stack of the field.
Bio courtesy of PokerStars.