Panyi Doubles Amid Controversy

A player in the cutoff three-bet to 4,500 and was called by two opponents, including Elliott Panyi in the hijack.
The flop came 4?4?3? and the cutoff bet another 4,500. Both opponents called to the 8? turn, where he fired out another 11,000.
The player in middle position tossed in three 1,000 chips to call before being informed by the dealer the bet was 11,000. He then tried to take his chips back and muck, but the floor was called for a ruling.
It was determined he was allowed to take back his call, but the cutoff demanded another ruling and another clarification was sought. He was eventually forced to keep his 3,000 in the pot and muck.
Panyi then moved all in for 23,800 and the cutoff snap-called with K?K?. Panyi, though, had 8?8? for a set and held on through the A? river to double.
Player | Chips | Progress |
33,000 |