Yang Flushes Two Away!
Yimin Yang has punched the air in delight after busting two players in the biggest pot of the tournament so far here in London.
We joined the action at the post-flop stage where three players were all-in, with Farhan Khan committed from pre-flop with and up against an unknown player with pocket aces who went all-in on the flop. Yang himself held
with the flop showing
Yang openly called for a diamond, and the dealer found it, dropping on the turn to a whoop from Yang and extreme disappointment from the gentleman with aces. Khan still had a chance at finding the full house on the river, but missed his four outs.
Yimin Yang now has 901,000 and a real shot at the title!
![Yang 3](https://s.pnimg.net/mewCh0VEN0MrdCwn5a2dOF3EwnjSNTftUNSTNkhZvfk/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/OTE4LzQ0L3hhZTU1/NzdlZGZlLmpwZw.webp)
![Yang 1](https://s.pnimg.net/vkMvtE9-qWcZAjrNZff9-euVfR3Dc6ydWKEuq13XiXw/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/OTE4LzQ0L3gxZTY0/NjNlMGY2LmpwZw.webp)
![Yang 2](https://s.pnimg.net/KlMtio7S2L3_JKyYYu2me9oyBiIHcssBbM4patmgpR8/pr:reporting-gallery-thumbnail/aHR0cHM6Ly9wbmlt/Zy5uZXQvbHJlcC8x/OTE4LzQ0L3gwMDgx/OWVlZGYzLmpwZw.webp)