A Bold Bluff and a Sick Spot: Sin Melin Discusses Hands from 888Live London

While at the recently completed 888Live Poker Festival London, our Sarah Herring caught up with English poker pro Sin Melin to discuss a couple of interesting hands from her Main Event run that unfortunately fell short on Day 2.
As Melin discusses below, the first was featured on the live stream, a three-way hand that after the flop eventually became heads-up between herself and Cristian Mihu.
As Melin describes, she finds herself calling Mihu's flop bet on a 8?A?2? board holding just J?10?, reading him for weakness in part because of his previously aggressive play. The turn comes the 2?, and after leading with a bet Melin watches Mihu raise.
Deciding he has no ace and at best is on a draw with two clubs, Melin chooses to reraise big and successfully forces a fold from Mihu. The live stream confirms he was weak and on a draw with just 5?4?.
Melin tells how she showed her bluff at the table, but Mihu wasn't paying attention and missed seeing her cards. Then in a subsequent conversation on the break, Mihu asked Melin what she showed �� and she bluffed him again!
Melin discusses a second, less successful hand from Day 2 in which she found herself in a three-way postflop situation holding pocket kings and looking at a seemingly benign 8x8x5x board. Listen to her reads on her opponents in the hand, as well as what happened next: