Quads vs. Full House: Lappin Cracks O'Kearney's Aces

The Chip Race is back with another strategy video, and this time the hand is a wild one pitting the two co-hosts �� David Lappin and Dara O'Kearney �� against one another.
The pair are joined by Daiva Byrne to discuss the hand that took place relatively early at the MPN Poker Tour Prague Main Event.
As shown in the video below, there was five-way action in this hand after the under-the-gun player opened, O'Kearney just flat-called from the next position with A?A?, then Lappin called from the next seat with 5?4? and both the button and big blind came along, too.
The conversation begins with O'Kearney's decision not to three-bet his pocket aces. Lappin notes how when he called he read O'Kearney as likely having a relatively strong range, though one including more hands than just the premiums. Byrne also chimes in to comment on the looseness of Lappin's call with five-four suited from middle position.
The flop came 7?4?4? and it checked to Lappin who with trip fours bet 2,000 (half-pot). The button and O'Kearney called.
O'Kearney talks about his check-call line here, noting how aside from opponents having some draws he's mostly way ahead or way behind and thus not too eager to bet or build a pot.
The turn then brought the 4?, giving Lappin quads while O'Kearney had a full house. O'Kearney checked, Lappin bet 6,500, the button folded, and O'Kearney called, bringing the pot up to 23,000.
O'Kearney describes his reservations about the situation and how his range is probably capped as he shouldn't have many 4-x hands in his range, and Lappin confirms he was thinking queens, kings, or aces for O'Kearney.
The river 7? actually puts a full house on the board, though Lappin points out neither player likely has a seven at this point, thus making the card less interesting than it might be.
More interesting, though, is the fact that O'Kearney led by betting 8,000 on the river (about one-third pot). Lappin notes how he bet quickly, and O'Kearney explains how the bet was both for value (against other big pairs) and to enable him to get away should Lappin raise.
Indeed, Lappin raise-shoved the 31,800 he had left, and O'Kearney folded quickly to preserve his 20,800.
Watch and listen to the discussion throughout, including post-hand when the trio address how much image and prior history can affect the lines players choose to take in various situations. Take a look:
The Chip Race is a weekly podcast sponsored by Unibet Poker, and can be heard on iTunes and anywhere else you listen to podcasts. Follow David Lappin on Twitter @dklappin, Dara O'Kearney @daraokearney, and Daiva Byrne @baltic_blonde