Stud Poker Strategy: Problems to Ponder

I have some problems for you to ponder until next week when I'll fill you in on my answers. For now, take out a piece of paper and jot down what you think the best answers are to the following questions. Don't sweat. No "It depends" are allowed. I'm making them multiple choice. Keep the answers until next week and see how well you do.
All games are $10 with a $1 ante and a $3 forced bet from the low card.
1. You are on fourth street. Third street looked like this, going around the table clockwise as you read down:
YOU: (10?A?) 10?
You called, and the jack, held by a tight player with whom you are familiar, raised to $10. He rarely bluffs. The bring-in called, as did you.
On fourth street you saw the following:
YOU: (10?A?) 10?Q?
You are high. The king is high. He is a very loose and passive player. He bets. What should you do?
a) fold
b) call
c) raise
2. The same facts as above except the king checked. What do you do?
a) check
b) bet
3. You raised the king, the next player folded and the first player called. Remembering that he is a loose-passive player, you received the following hands on fifth street. He checks. What do you do?
YOU: (10?A?) 10?Q?8?
a) check
b) bet
4. Same fact pattern as above. Only the king bets. What do you do?
a) fold
b) call
c) raise
5. On sixth street, you get the following hands. Your opponent is high and bets. What do you do?
YOU: (10?A?) 10?Q?8?A?
a) fold
b) call
c) raise
6. On sixth street, instead of the above, you get the following hands. Your opponent is high and bets. What do you do?
YOU: (10?A?) 10?Q?8?A?
a) fold
b) call
c) raise
7. Same as the above, only this time your opponent is high and checks. What do you do?
a) check
b) bet
8. You and your opponent have the following hands on the river. What do you do when he checks to you?
YOU: (10?A?) 10?Q?8?A? (2?)
a) check
b) bet
9. Same hand as above only your opponent bets into you. What do you do?
a) fold
b) call
c) raise
10. Same hand as above. Let's say he checks, you bet, and he raises you. What do you do?
a) fold
b) call
c) re-raise
Answers next time.