Flopping Top Set With Erick Lindgren

Team Full Tilt Pro Erick Lindgren discusses a $100/$200 no-limit hold'em hand against Patrik Antonius on Poker after Dark.
I want to go over a hand I played last year on Poker after Dark. This was a six-handed table where Howard Lederer, Patrik Antonius, and three UFC guys who were basically amateurs were playing.
Howard opens for $600. I have red tens and decide just to call the raise. I had been three-betting him a lot and just taking it, so I decided to mix it up. Patrik calls out of the big blind, as well, and it��s a good flop for me as I hit top set when the flop comes 6?10?8?.
I��m thinking, "How I can get the most money out of this and also to protect my hand?" I bet 1,100 and think I should have bet a little more, looking back. But it turned out to be perfect because Patrik had a pair of eights and a flush draw with Q?8? and can��t really go anywhere. He has to see another card and he calls. He would tell you that it��s not that great a call, but it��s pretty standard. He can��t just let me steal the pot there on the flop.
A very good card falls on the turn, the J?. I have no reason to think that I��m beat here. My bet is pretty big, 2,600, just under the size of the pot. I guess I could have bet about the size of the pot, which maybe would have been a little better bet. So Patrik has a flush draw, a pair, and just picked up a straight draw. His hand could be good, but if it��s not good, he has outs.
The river card was one that looks like I could have taken it out of my back pocket and put it out there. The 8? gives him three eights now, and I��m just thinking ��What can I bet that will look suspicious enough that he��ll call?��
I bet 5,800 and then I put on my ��I��m guilty, I��m bluffing face,�� which Patrik reads right through. Patrik knows that he can��t win this hand, but he still makes the call. It��s very unusual for Patrik. When I see the look on his face, I know that he knows that I have it. I think he is going to fold, and I��m thinking ��I bet too much or I bet too little,�� and I felt like I made a mistake in some regard. Turns out it was the right amount. It was cheap enough that he couldn��t fold, and after a little more deliberation and a little more feeling like he needs to fold, he can��t fold and he makes the call.
I was trying to look a little nervous and play along with his table talk. It��s one of those spots where you act differently every time and hope it works out. I was off to a great start and getting the toughest player at the table down on chips �� and hopefully on his way out.
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