Christopher Kruk Analyzes partypoker MILLIONS SHR Final Table Hand

In case you missed it, Christopher Kruk topped a 47-entry field last week to win the partypoker MILLIONS North America $25,500 Super High Roller at the Playground Poker Club in Kahnawake, Canada.
After overcoming a tough final table including Anthony Zinno, Darren Elias, Chance Kornuth, Niall Farrell, Victor Ramdin, and John Krpan, Kruk won a first prize of $375,000 CAD (about $291K USD).
Following the win, Kruk analyzed an interesting blind-versus-blind hand he played at the final table versus Darren Elias, one that began with Kruk limping from the small blind with 9?7? and Elias checking behind.
Kruk check-called a small bet from Elias after the 8?5?10? flop, then both checked the 6? turn card that filled a straight for Kruk. The 3? on fifth street then completed the board.
Remember, on the river it's still a blind-versus-blind hand in which neither player has shown a lot of initative yet. "It's sort of an interesting spot, because ranges are so wide and we have a lot of hands," notes Kruk in the video below.
Kruk led with a bet of about one-third the pot �� 350,000 into 1.1 million. Elias then raised to 1.6 million. Kruk had the nuts and so certainly wanted to raise, but how much? Take a look to see what happened and to hear Kruk's explanation of his reasoning in the hand:
This strategy article is sponsored by partypoker.