Greenback: When Phil Wins, Everyone Wins at Run It Once Poker!

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The Galfond Challenge continues. From a lowpoint of more than �900,000 in the hole, Phil Galfond has clawed his way back to stand just �150,000 in the red with only 5,637 hands remaining.
And with a thrilling finale just around the corner, Run It Once Poker are offering you the chance to win, every day that Phil wins!
The premise is simple. With the Greenback promotion, every day Phil ends in the green against Venividi, everyone will earn an extra 25% direct rakeback. This runs all this week from March 30th-April 5th.
This 25% direct rakeback is on top of Run It Once's standard Legends rewards.
Players will earn the extra rakeback for all their play between 00:00-23:59 GMT on that given day, with the promotion only applying to 6-max cash tables.
Galfond Challenge Schedule
Session Date | Extra Rakeback Dates Affected |
Mar 30 | Mar 30 |
Mar 31 | Mar 31 |
Apr 2 | Apr 1 & 2 |
Apr 3 | Apr 3 |
Apr 4 | Apr 4 |
Apr 6 | Apr 5 |
Phil and Venividi will not be playing on Wednesday, April 1st, so Thursday��s session results will determine if players will receive double Splash the Pot winnings for Wednesday and Thursday.
The Galfond Challenge Continues...
The Galfond Challenge starts at 16:00 GMT and both Phil and Venividi play for four hours. All the action can be watched live on Twitch