88winn.com Introduces New Player-Versus-Player Roulette Game

Roulette is a game that has captivated gamblers for hundreds of years, and it's always been played the same: the players versus the house, with players trying to guess which numbers will come up next on the wheel and being rewarded for doing so.
Well, 88winn.com has re-imagined roulette and rolled out a player-versus-player form of the game with a free-to-play option that can be turned into real money rewards.
Playing the New Roulette Game on 88winn
The game starts when at least two players enter the game room. At that point, a 90-second timer begins to tick.
During that 90 seconds, players can use their "cash coins," wagering as many as they wish. The more coins a player wagers, the more space he or she "owns" on the wheel. Hence, wagering more coins entitles a player to a greater chance to win.
After the 90 seconds is up, the wheel will spin. Whichever player owns the space on which it lands will win the game, and the cash coins.

Winning Real Money
Players who win the cash coins will have their coins converted into a score. That score will then be added to the weekly leaderboard tally, which runs through Saturday at 11:59 p.m. GMT+8 (11:59 a.m. EDT).
At that time, the top five players in the leaderboard win the following prizes:
- First place �� $200
- Second place �� $100
- Third place �� $50
- Fourth place �� $30
- Fifth place �� $10
The prizes are released in "gold coins" that can be cashed out for the stated amounts.
Use the code "PKWWMD" to get 1,000 extra cash coins that can be used for this fast, easy and fun game. Sign up NOW at 88winn.com.
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