Poker's Stars To Help Run It Once Double Up For Charity

Phil Galfond��s Run It Once Poker is getting into the Christmas spirit by raising money for charitable causes.
Double Up For Charity sees Run It once team up with Double Up Drive to host a 27-player Pro-Am SNG Select tournament for charity. This special event shuffles up and deal at 12:00 p.m. CET on December 19 and sees some of the world��s best-known players fight it out at the Run It Once tables.
Eighteen slots in the SNG shootout tournament are taken by established pros with the remaining nine seats going to the public. The top five donors at Double Up Drive��s website automatically receive a seat while a random draw from anyone who donated any amount decides the final four spots.
Run It Once is streaming the tournament via its Twitch channel where the legendary Norman Chad provides commentary alongside a number of special guests.
The following professionals are guaranteed to take their seats, with a handful of last-minute additions being in the pipeline.
- Phil Galfond
- Dan Smith
- Chance Kornuth
- Patrick Leonard
- Farah Galfond
- Kevin Rabichow
- Stephen Chidwick
- Jamie Kerstetter
- Marle Cordeiro
- Andrew Lichtenberger
- Luc Greenwood
- Daniel Dvoress
Amazing, Double Up Drive has promised to match up to $10,000 of every donation on a 1:1 first-come-first-served basis. This means Double Up For Charity has the chance to raise a serious sum of cash for charitable causes.
You can help raise some money too just by heading to the Run It Once Poker tables on December 19. Run It Once has pledged to donate �10 for every player who plays at least one hand of poker on Run It Once Poker on December 19, which is a fantastic gesture.
If you can��t play poker on December 19 but still want to help raise money, you can make a donation on the Run It Once Poker website.