Cash Games Added to partypoker��s Revolutionary Mobile App

partypoker has added cash games to its new ��revolutionary�� mobile app, bringing the popular format in line with its fastforward cash games and SPINS jackpot sit-n-go tournaments.
The partypoker mobile app has recently undergone major changes, the biggest of which is the portrait orientation. Where many mobile poker apps force the user to play in landscape, which requires two hands to play, partypoker��s tech team has created the perfect mobile app for one-handed play.
Playing in portrait mode is more natural for mobile phone users who operate their phones like this daily. Fold, call, and raise buttons are all within easy reach of the players�� thumbs, while the bet slider works by literally sliding a finger or thumb.
Following in the footsteps of its SPINS and fastforward mobile games, partypoker��s mobile cash games have seen a revamped lobby. Players can choose from a tiled or carousel view and employ a range of filters to make finding their favorite cash games a breeze.
Furthermore, it��s possible to play up to four tables simultaneously. Switching between the tables is done either automatically by the partypoker software, or with a simple swipe. You don��t even have to only play one format. Those four tables can be a mixture of all available game types.
New Social Features of the partypoker Mobile App
The new social features launched when partypoker made SPINS available on the new mobile client have made their way to cash games.
Chat bubbles and a suite of emojis help players express themselves at the tables. It��s also possible to throw objects at your opponents, including tomatoes, fish, sharks, or even blow them a kiss.
Then there��s the ��rabbit hunt�� feature that makes it possible to see what cards would have come next had the hand played out. Wondering if you would have hit your straight on the river? Click the rabbit and find out.
The social aspects of the mobile app are paid for with the in-game currency known simply as Diamonds. Diamonds are earned by playing real money poker and by completing specific tasks. They may not be a feature that everyone uses, but they do add a fun element to the daily grind.
The app is currently available on iOS and Android-powered devices. Download it via the partypoker website (when accessed on a mobile device) or via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.