Off the Felt: Trickett and Smith Visiting Japan

In the latest edition of Off the Felt, we looked back on Valentine's Day and a lot of updates about the snow falling down in Las Vegas. This week we have Sam Trickett and Dan Smith in Japan, while Steven van Zadelhoff celebrated his 40th birthday being in the best shape of his life.
Sam Trickett is currently not playing as much poker as before and he is enjoying his time off the felt. He shared some photos from a trip to Japan, this one in Tokyo:
He is also hitting the slopes:
Dan Smith also went to Japan where he ended his twenties in style:
Happy Birthday, Steven!
On the first of March, Steven van Zadelhoff celebrated his 40th birthday and he shared some photos from the last eighteen years to show his insane transformation:
She's back, the beautiful Farah Galfond:
Other Posts
Ebony Kenney, a new host of the Thirst Lounge stream, shared some personal facts about herself:
Erik Seidel went back in time:
Phillip Gruissem is enjoying time in India:
Faraz Jaka is in Los Angeles for the World Poker Tour: