Off the Felt: Funniest Tweets from Poker Twitter & Sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro

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In the latest edition of Off the Felt, we looked at Sam Trickett and Dan Smith in Japan, while Steven van Zadelhoff celebrated his 40th birthday being in the best shape of his life. This week, we got you the funniest tweets from Poker Twitter and players who are sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro in their time off the felt.
Funniest Tweets
Mike Gorodinsky started to make portraits from poker players on Twitter and we have to say: he nailed it.
Extremely excited that so many of you are foolish enough to sign on for this! Since a few have requested it, and it��
— Mike Gorodinsky (@gordoMG)
Massive thanks to @gordoMG for this stunning portrait. Nailed it.
— Liv Boeree (@Liv_Boeree)
Jamie Kerstetter with a great suggestion for the Bravo app:
I wish the Bravo app would display the temperature of each poker room
— Jamie Kerstetter (@JamieKerstetter)
Many people dream of becoming a poker pro, but for this guy, that dream didn't turn out quite as planned:
I always dreamed of becoming a poker pro. I started out playing online, and later moved to Las Vegas to play for a��
— Pokerlolz (@pokerlolz)
Some advice from Garrett Adelstein:
My favorite years playing poker: 2005-07, multitabling the best HU players daily, often multiplying/diving my net w��
— Garrett Adelstein (@GmanPoker)
Yes, we all know what Lexi Sterner is talking about:
Poker has wrecked my concept of money. My mom still drives to a diff grocery store if an item is 0.33 cents cheaper��
— Lexi Sterner (@leximariesterne)
And again:
There is literally nothing I hate more than explaining being a poker player to a non poker player. #soitsjustlikeblackjackright #poker
— Lexi Sterner (@leximariesterne)
You can always count on Erik Seidel to keep a good perspective on things:
A guy just told me I look exactly the same as when we met 30 years ago, made me appreciate my wife even more for ma��
— Erik Seidel (@Erik_Seidel)
Well, that's one way to make a read:
I recently based my decision on whether to call a guy's allin or not based on the fact that his video-feed showed t��
— Daniel Cates (@junglemandan)
Ryan Fee looks forward to poker summer camp:
When you better look for a new place to stay:
Sightseeing in Rio de Janeiro
Some players are visiting Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the partypoker MILLIONS South America but they are not only playing poker. A few of them decided to do some sightseeing in this beautiful city:
And Hellmuth is gonna Hellmuth. Here's his entrance into the event:
My grand entrance, w Beija-Flor Samba School, into #MILLIONSSouthAmerica $5 Million GTD @PartyPokerLive tourney. O��
— phil_hellmuth (@phil_hellmuth)