Tweet, Tweet, Bad Beat: The Men of Poker Instagram

The women of poker are typically the ones who keep social hot but this week, the men of poker took a page from the ladies and went all kinds of GQ on us. If I didn't know better, I'd say these studs were seeking a new day job. Way to keep it classy, fellas.
Like father, like son. Do a face swap and they'd probably be the same.
Cant' ESCAPE! That weak sauce.
Phil Laak saying all the right things.
Ain't no party like a jackfruit party.
Your energy and free spirit is contagious.
What a great looking fam.
In sandals? What a pro.
"Spend money on memories." <-- Truth
Everyone lookin' like a model over here.
Oh Fedor, we just can't get enough of you.
Can't tell where the beard stops and the puppies begin.
Wins $4.7 million, gets a haircut.
The men of poker Instagram.
Sun? Beer? We're in.
But you're getting rain in the wine!
What is this? All these men are becoming softies. It's cute though.
We all know Tom Dwan is coming back for Poker After Dark but we're more concerned with knowing who that blond bombshell is to his left. New lady friend?
Winter is coming.
Phil Laak - the look of pure joy.
Alright bruh, that beard is getting OOL.
Of course we can't leave the ladies out. Here's Kara Scott gettin' some birthday love.
That glam life.
Damn girl, we see those triceps.
Liv, you rule the world.
A throwback with a tiara? We love it.
How you can hold a smile doing this is beyond me. Way to get it.
Zen AF