Calling the Clock with Kara Scott Sponsored by KO Watches

Beginning as a cutting-edge brand active in design, manufacturing and distribution of quality-finish watches from young Mexican entrepreneurs, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches works to distinguish itself with its quality and clean design, allowing people to use time they have as they wish and without interruption. With our sponsor, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches in mind, we're now going to "Call the Clock" on Kara Scott.
PokerNews�� Sarah Herring called the clock on Kara Scott, giving her two minutes to answer as many questions as she can. This week's segment comes from a previous interview with Scott on the PokerNews Podcast.
Who would you want to coach you in poker?
Phil Ivey.
Everyone loves you. What��s something that��s really annoying about you?
The fact that people say that everyone loves me. I think people hate that.
Kitties or puppies?
How many shoes do you own?
Probably 60 pairs.
Oh wow. I would have gone under on that. If you were offered $5 million but you could never play poker again, would you accept?
If you weren��t in poker, what would you be in?
Oh, um I��d probably be in film production again.
OK, this is a really intense question. Would you rather never be able to see again or never be able to hear again?
I guess I��d rather never be able to hear again.
Snap. I know. Who��s your celebrity crush?
My celebrity crush��Oh, what��s his name?! The guy in the last Star Wars. No, not the last one, the one before. Or probably the last one. John Boyega.
Ooh. I got nothing. Do you have any tattoos?
I do, yeah.
And what are they?
Embarrassing. Terrible.
What��s one of your pet peeves?
I really hate it when people are shopping at the grocery store and they just leave the basket unattended in the middle of the aisle. It drives me nuts. It drives me nuts.
Who��s the last person you texted?
Probably my husband.
What did you say?
Don��t use the cart in the middle of the aisle? I don��t know.
If poker had a yearbook, who would you be? I don��t know if they do this in Canada. In the U.S., it��s like your Ms. Congeniality, your Most Likely to Something.
Right, well, umm in school I was the valedictorian so I was like that geeky person that smiled a lot and people were like, ��Ugh, she��s so annoying,�� so that would probably still be me in poker, yeah.
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