Calling the Clock with Shaun Deeb Sponsored by KO Watches

Beginning as a cutting-edge brand active in design, manufacturing and distribution of quality-finish watches from young Mexican entrepreneurs, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches works to distinguish itself with its quality and clean design, allowing people to use time they have as they wish and without interruption. With our sponsor, KNOCK OUT -KO- Watches in mind, we're now going to "Call the Clock" on Shaun Deeb.
PokerNews�� Sarah Herring called the clock on Shaun Deeb, giving him two minutes to answer as many questions as he can. This week's segment comes from a previous interview with Deeb on the PokerNews Podcast.
First word you think of when I say the letter ��F.��
Do you have a phobia?
What is it?
I don��t know. I just definitely have to have a phobia.
If you had to have a poster of a poker player on your wall, who would it be?
Would you rather take cold showers or be woken up an hour early every day?
Hour early.
If you were offered $5 million but could never play poker again, would you accept?
Who do you want to fight in poker?
Too many people.
What��s the app you use the most?
Clash Royale or Clash of Clans, one of the two.
I don��t know what that is, but it sounds nerdy. What��s your go-to song at the moment?
I��m not a music guy.
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What is your favorite acronym?
I don��t know.
What is your spirit animal?
An orange.
Who is your celebrity crush?
That blonde girl with��I��m trying to not be sexist, you know? With the big ass. The hottest actress, the blonde?
You��re killing me. There��s so many.
I don��t know.
If there was a poker yearbook, what would your title be?
Mr. Slow Roll.
What��s the worst fashion trend ever?
Socks and sandals.
When the clocks stops, time comes to life. Get your hands on a Knock Out -KO- watch right here.