Dutch Regulated Online Gaming Delayed for At Least a Year

Many times over the past few years, online gaming regulation in the Netherlands appeared to be right around the corner. However, Dutch independent gambling regulator Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), also known as the Dutch Games of Chance Authority, believes that the earliest the country will see regulated online gaming is more than a year from now.
According Poker Industry Pro editor Nick Jones, KSA Senior Communications Advisor Martijn van de Koolwijk explained in a recent interview the delays were primarily due to a lack of legislation passing because of multiple postponements.
"Consideration of the bill has been postponed three times," stated van de Koolwijk. "Moreover, the law must be approved by both chambers and then the subordinate legislation must still be worked out."
Even if legislators pass an online gaming regime in the country by early 2017, operators would be unlikely to offer unregulated gaming for at least another half of a year on top of that due to the thorough review process of applicants for a gaming license.
"The permits must be applied for and issued," van de Koolwijk explained. "And then we are already back more than a year, year and a half more."
The delays are despite the fact that more than 200 operators expressed enthusiasm to obtain a remote gambling license once online gaming legislation is passed according to the 2014 KSA Annual Report published in April 2015.
According to Poker Industry Pro ($), the message of a further delay came as a response to a notice serviced last week by the KSA which demanded the operators of 49 different real-money gaming apps to restrict offering to Dutch customers expressing that it is against current law to do so.
Stay tuned at PokerNews as more develops in the Dutch gaming market.
Image courtesy of Wouter Engler/Wikimedia.org.
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