BlogNews Weekly: PCA Atari Challenge, Value Betting & Tips to Handle Downswings

Each week, PokerNews brings you insight into the happenings at the major poker sites. Featuring the most popular blog posts, BlogNews Weekly is your one-stop shop for all your poker blog highlights.
This week, BlogNews Weekly brings you highlights from the latest PokerStars, Full Tilt, and partypoker blogs.
The PCA Atari Challenge
When most poker enthusiasts think of the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA), they think about poker and sunshine. However, the PokerStars Blog post titled PCA 2016: The Atari Challenge shares how there are many other ways visitors can entertain themselves indoors when not at the poker felt.
Every day visitors to the PCA Players Lounge can enjoy playing three old-school Atari games including Centipede, Asteroids and Missile Command. What's more is that the player with the high score each day walks away with Atari Flashback console compliments of the house.
One player, James Stuart, was recently rewarded with all three Atari Flashback consoles in one day after hitting high scores in all three games. Stuart was also able to take second place in a $100,000 guaranteed blackjack tournament in the Bahamas to ensure he'll also be taking some cash back home.
Read more on the PokerStars Blog about the PCA Atari Challenge.
Value Betting on the River
In a blog post titled Hand of the Week �C Don��t Fear the River, Full Tilt blogger and UK poker pro Ben Jenkins talks about a common mistake most players make in not getting the most value from their hand - especially on the river.
In the blog, Jenkins walks through a recent hand where he had A?K? during opening blind levels and opted to bet when for value on a A?4?Q?7?Q? board. He walks through his thought process about each street to determine how he felt it was unlikely that his opponent was holding a queen.
Jenkins feels when players are playing too many tables or not thinking through a hand properly, they can potentially lose value when the odds are in their favor of being called by a worse hand. In this case, his instincts were correct when his opponent called a river value bet with A?J? to ship a decent pot.
Discover on the Full Tilt Blog about when you should think about betting for value on the river.
Tips to Deal With Losing at Poker
Even the most successful poker players go through downswings. It's the nature of the game. Partypoker blogger Paul Seaton discusses some great tips about how to handle these inevitable downswings in a blog titled 7 Ways to Deal With Losing at Poker.
All of the topics discussed are definitely food for thought, with some of them actually good to keep in mind even when winning, such as practicing good bankroll management and thinking long term.
You will have to read the blog to learn about all the great tips, however, one piece of advice you certainly can't go wrong with is analyzing your own play to see if you could have done anything better or if your downswing is just a matter of bad luck.
Head to the partypoker Blog to learn seven great tips to deal with poker downswings.
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