BlogNews Weekly: Slow Playing, Three-Betting, and Isildur's Up and Down Day

Each week, PokerNews brings you insight into the happenings at some of the major poker sites. Featuring the most popular blog posts, BlogNews Weekly is your one-stop shop for all your poker blog highlights.
In this week's BlogNews report, we're bringing you highlights from PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker, and partypoker blogs from the last week.
To Slow Play or Not to Slow Play - That is the Question
Getting max value out of your hand is one of the most important aspects of any type of poker. How would you approach a hand where you flopped the nut-flush with the preflop raiser betting into you on the flop? How would you approach this same hand if you turned an unbeatable royal-flush?
PokerStars Team Pro Tyler "frosty" Frost recently had to plan his attack in this exact situation on a $200 NL table. Frost discusses this hand in a six-minute video in a Poker Bites session with fellow Team Pros Isaac "Ike Haxton" Haxton and Felix "xflixx" Schneiders.
You can check out all the discussion and how this played out for yourself by heading over to the PokerStars blog titled, To slowplay or not to slowplay?
Refine Your Three-Betting Range
The partypoker blog is full of gossip with a touch of strategy. If you are having trouble recognizing when you should consider three-betting, you should definitely consider checking out the partypoker blog titled, The Ultimate Guide to Three-Betting Ranges.
Partypoker's Josef Rantamaki demonstrates how to open up your game and become more aggressive in a 17-minute video. His video even includes helpful charts which could serve as good guides for you while you are playing.
Check out the partypoker blog to see how you can refine your three-betting range.
Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom's Up and Down Day
Full Tilt Poker is the home to the biggest stakes anywhere online. The Full Tilt blog typically recaps most of the action so you can follow along even if you weren't watching the live action yourself.
In a blog titled, Isildur1 Up & Down as bbvisbadforme Wins Heads-Up at Triple Draw, you can read all about how Viktor "Isildur1" Blom battled "bbvisbadforme" in $500/$1,000 and $1,000/$2,000 no-limit triple-draw heads-up action.
Blom began his day with a bang winning over $108,000 right out of the gate. Blom is never one to quit while he is ahead, and unfortunately for him gave all his winnings back to his opponent later on in the day.
Read more on the Full Tilt blog about Blom's up and down day.
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