�250 Open Face Chinese Poker Buy-in Tables Now Available on Tonybet Poker!

One month ago Tonybet Poker launched its poker client with a huge surprise to the poker community, becoming the first global online poker site to be solely dedicated to real-money open-face Chinese Poker (OFC).
Today, Tonybet Poker has been growing in leaps and bounds, with a team of professionals busy working around the clock for meeting all players requests and for trying to guarantee everyone the best possible gaming experience on the site.
Following the suggestions of some of its early adopters, for example, TonyBet Poker decided to increase the betting limits from �1 to �2.50 per unit on new �250 buy-in tables which are considerably higher than the previous �100 buy-in tables.
The increase in limits will surely allow higher stakes players to enjoy even more their open-face Chinese poker sessions on Tonybet as it finally brings in the game the chance of winning significant amounts of money.
The new �250 buy-in tables are available in all three open-face Chinese poker variants, including OFC Turbo, OFC Pineapple, and OFC Classic. Heads-up tables at these stakes are running for OFC Pineapple providing all open-face Chinese poker aficionados a chance to play the game of their choice at the limits they are most comfortable at.
If these stakes seem a bit high for your taste, rest assured lower stakes players are not left out. Tonybet Poker offers their entire variety of games starting at �0.02 a unit on their �20 buy-in tables.
So why not see what all the buzz is all about? Try Tonybet Poker today and get your hands on the first real money online open-face Chinese poker client ever!
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