The PokerNews Strategy Roundup: Lock Poker Pros Join PokerNews Strategy and More

Its another big week for the PokerNews Strategy Team as we unveil our team of elite players just got even bigger!
Lock Poker Pros Join PokerNews Strategy
The PokerNews Strategy stable gets bigger and more impressive all the time, today we have the huge news that sponsored pros over at Lock Poker will be joining the team. Some of the best online players in the world represent Lock Poker including Stephen Devlin, Eric ��Rizen�� Lynch, Brett Jungblut, Matt Stout, David Zeitlin, Jeff ��Hurricanejeff�� Romano and Joe Connolly.
We can��t wait to start adding their videos in the very near future.
Speaking of Lock Poker, Club PokerNews have a huge freeroll series running with them right now. On top of several sign up only freerolls we also have announced a massive $2500 Freeroll series worth over $20,000 �C we also have an exclusive $1000 sign up bonus you cannot get anywhere else!
MacDaddy34��s First Video Series
Evan ��MacDaddy34�� Panesis has just completed his first PokerNews Strategy series where he 4 tables $100NL six max on Full Tilt Poker. Find out why this 25 year old with over $1 million in online cash winnings is as successful as he is in this brilliant debut series.

Also don��t forget that Scott ��URnotINdanger2�� Palmer has also just completed his first video for us where he 4 tables mid stakes heads-up cash, which is attracting lots of attention.
If the early bird gets the worm, then why is it that the second mouse gets the cheese?
We have quite an enjoyable rant from cash specialist Kane "Nascar_1949" Kalas this week in his blog where he takes a break from poker and ponders should be we congratulating the pioneers or the masters?

"I happen to believe that the second mouse getting the cheese is more relatable to success in modern society than the early bird and the worm nonsense. Few pioneers are able to maintain their competitive advantage after coming forth with a new product or idea. Why? Because there is always going to be somebody out there who can perform a task even better or more efficiently than the person who pioneered it. Let's be honest, who here has heard of "Word Star"? Well, as I type this blog in Microsoft Word, I think of how pissed off the inventor of Word Star, the first commercially distributed word processing system, must be that his product has a basically nonexistent consumer penetration. Any fitness-conscious consumers of "No-Cal Beverage" out there? I didn't think so. In fact, the product is no longer in distribution, quite a disappointment, considering that it was the first diet soft drink ever to hit the market. Ever here of Alexander Cartwright, the inventor of our national past-time, baseball? Few have. But it doesn't take a sports buff (or someone in the performance enhancing drug industry, for that matter) to recognize the names: Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, and Roger Clemens."
"Hell, you can even see it in poker! The first online poker website to offer real money games was named "Planet Poker", which pioneered the online real money games that we know and love in 1998. Who was the face of Planet Poker? Mike Caro. Let me be honest, if, today, I were making my living playing on a site called Planet Poker with pictures of Jupiter, Neptune, and such revolving around an enlarged image of Mike Caro's head, I'd kick my own ass."
"Don't get me wrong, I have a ton of respect for pioneers, I simply have more respect for those who master a specific skill or capture a specific market. And, as it is, these people generally receive more accolades than the individual who 'paved the way' for them. And thus, not surprisingly, the reward of a worm will never amount to the hard-earned prize of cheese."
Do You Play PLO?
If you do, then you are commiting a crime if you do not subscribe to PokerNews Strategy. If you don��t, then this is a great place to start. PokerNews Strategy has perhaps the best dedicated Pot Limit Omaha resources out there. Not only do we have a ridiculous amount of PLO videos from stars such as Josh Tieman, Rayan Nathan and Evan Parkes, we also have one of the busiest PLO forums you will find anywhere, with regular contributions and questions answered by our PLO specalists including Josh Tieman and Scott 'URnotINdanger2' Palmer!
Still not sure? Check Out our Sample Videos.
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