The Nightly Turbo: PokerStars Coming to Your Phone, Moon on MNF, and More

Yes, we may have taken a long break, but we needed it. After all the turkey that was consumed on Thursday, we couldn't get off the couch of two days. Good thing we had some online poker and football to keep us occupied. We're back at it this week though, keeping you up-to-date with the top poker news stories each and every day.
In Case You Missed It
We caught up with Taylor Caby recently to talk poker, CardRunners, and what people can expect for a "Piece of Taylor." Check it out in our Online Poker Spotlight.
Some of the PokerNews crew is in the land down under gearing up for the Asia Pacific Poker Tour stop in Sydney. Those of us left here in the states decided to put our jealousy aside and bring all of you in Sydney for the tournament, thePokerNews Jet Set: Sydney. We're also silently plotting revenge, but that's for another day.
Just because we took the weekend off to recover from our turkey-induced comas didn't mean that everyone else did. Sunday on the virtual felt stops for no one. The Sunday Briefing has all the six-figure scores.
Yes, poker may be the center of our world 99.9 percent of the time, but there's always that little little bit of something that pulls us away from poker and into the crazy worlds of sports betting and casinos. Inside Gaming is our .1 percent.
He's Back
Jeff Madsen is back with his PokerRoad rapfessional. This time though, he has the self proclaimed "most interesting man in the world," Layne Flack, spittin rhymes with him. This is one of those you have to watch. There's not much to say about it except maybe that Layne makes it rain, girls want to tip Madsen, and something about snocones.
Make sure you're following us on Twitter. It's the best way to get up-to-the-minute news.
Moon-day Night Football
Darvin Moon, 2009 World Series of Poker Main Event runner-up, seemed to shy away from the spotlight in the months leading up to the November Nine. This is also the logger from Maryland who would not accept sponsorship from any online site. Well, he stuck to his guns long enough it seems, but when it comes to his beloved NFL team, he can't shy away from that.
It's believed that Moon will be on the field at tonight's New England Patriot vs New Orleans Saints matchup. According to Gambling911 he'll be on field during the coin toss and in the Saints locker room before the game.
Although Moon is from Maryland, his favorite team is the New Orleans Saints. He sported a Saints cap every day throughout the Main Event. Guess there are some things you just can't pass up no matter how "out-of-the-spotlight" someone wants to be. has more.
Don't Mess with Texas
OK, we know the economy sucks, but that doesn't give anyone the right to pick on poker players. An event last night reminds us of The Fast and the Furious. You know, where the truck drivers start taking matters into their own hands. That's just what happened in Texas during a hold up.
Two masked men wielding pistols attempted to rob a home game in Texas last night. They got away (for a little bit) with about $7,000. The phrase "don't mess with Texas" just doesn't come out of thin air though. Not only do you not mess with Texas, but you definitely don't mess with old-school Texas rounders.
The two men tried to get away with the cash but according to Pokerati "the wannabe bandits apparently spooked some horses �� one thing led to another �� and with sirens in the background getting louder, two players chasing after them had their own guns pointed at the armed robbers as they lay in a field. According to a source on the scene, the de facto table sheriffs disarmed their assailants in a hailstorm of expletives, pulled off their masks, and grabbed back the moneybag while waiting for police. (Half the cash was missing, and what was still there was soaking wet.)"
The police arrived soon after and arrested the two men. Apparently, after talking to the police, action resumed as if nothing had happened.
How Many Hands Can You Play?
We're not sure this is healthy and if we had heard this on the street somewhere we might even question its accuracy. What is it that's caught us so off guard you ask? Well, the record for most hands played in a single session was broken yesterday. What's the record you ask? Oh, just 40,088 hands without stopping.
"Innerpsy," a 22-year-old Russian pro broke the record on PokerStars in 18 hours and 33 minutes. "Before this challenge, I had never actually played more than 20,000 hands in a day before, but the idea came up and I just figured I could do it. It was one of the toughest things I have ever accomplished, but I am proud I managed it," he said.
What's next on innerpsy's agenda? Why, Supernova Elite of course. "I gained a lot of experience doing this and will definitely try it again in order to improve upon my result," he said. "One of my main goals is also to reach Supernova Elite status."
Congratulations innerpsy! You've achieved something none of us here at PokerNews HQ could even fathom.
Find out more about the record breaker at the PokerStars Blog.
The largest online poker site may soon be coming to your phone. Yes, you read it right. PokerStars recently bought one of the leading mobile gaming software development companies, Cecure Gaming.
This year, the company struggled because of a "weak customer recruitment strategy in the difficult prevailing economic climate." When Cecure was established in 2000, the company received about $20 million to develop the "best and most secure mobile poker gaming technology in the world."
��We are delighted to have been able to secure a deal for the sale of these assets in such a secretive and clandestine market,�� said Paul Herman from Cavendish Corporate Finance, the company appointed to oversee the deal. ��Accessing buyers and investors in the gaming market is notoriously difficult and we are delighted to have had the opportunity to meet and negotiate with many of the leading domestic and international players."
Yes, PokerStars only bought a mobile software development company. We haven't seen any statements to say that PokerStars is going mobile tomorrow, but one can only imagine that that would be the next step.