Juanda Auction Hot at ChipMeUp

With John Juanda* making a deep run in 2009 WSOP ** Event #23, $10,000 World Championship No-Limit Deuce-to-Seven Single Draw, where he has just finished fourth, Juanda fans can take part in a special ��equivalency�� auction at ChipMeUp. Available at this link��
�� is an auction where the winner will receive a payout equal to 0.5% (one half of one percent) of Juanda��s own winnings today, which will equal just under $380 for Juanda��s fourth-place finish. Juanda himself is not involved in this auction in any way. The auction has a current bid of $7.00 and change (with bids creeping higher a penny at a time). Who��s going to be the lucky person that takes down the auction and cashes big today?
Click the link above for more auction details, including bid fees and payout format�� and hurry!
* John Juanda is a name synonymous with the world of high-stakes poker and his presence at the felt is feared by many. In addition to extensive tournament winnings, he has four coveted WSOP bracelets to his name. John Juanda does not endorse, sponsor and is not associated or affiliated with PokerNews or ChipMeUp or its products, services, promotions or auctions. John Juanda is not responsible for any prizes relating to this auction.
**World Series of Poker and WSOP are trademarks of Harrah��s License Company, LLC (��Harrah��s��). Harrah��s does not sponsor or endorse, and is not associated or affiliated with PokerNews Ltd or its products, services, promotions or tournaments.