Full Tilt Announces ��Face the Ace�� Online Qualifiers

Looking for a chance to match your heads-up poker skills against some of poker��s most famous names? Full Tilt is providing just that opportunity, with online qualifiers now available for seats on the brand new poker TV show ��Face the Ace,�� which gives each contestant the chance to defeat up to three different Full Tilt pros in head-to-head matches and walk away with as much as $1,000,000.
��Face the Ace�� begins filming on July 9th in Las Vegas in preparation for its television premiere, which will be on NBC on Saturday, August 1st at 9:00 pm ET. The show, first announced in late April, is described as ��part game show, part reality show,�� will be hosted by ��Sopranos�� star Steve Schirripa, and promises to include some formidable poker aces. Among the ��Aces�� scheduled to appear in various episodes are famed Full Tilt pros Howard Lederer, Phil Ivey, Chris ��Jesus�� Ferguson, Jennifer Harman, Erick Lindgren, Phil Gordon, Erik Seidel, Allen Cunningham, Andy Bloch, John Juanda, Mike Matusow, Patrik Antonius and Gus Hansen.
The show��s format begins with a contest (the online qualifier) facing four smoked-glass doors; behind each is a different ��Ace�� who will be the opponent in that heads-up matchup. A player who wins hus first match must risk his winnings to play the second match, and must risk his winning again if he wins that second match to try for the hat trick. Winning all three matchups, risking the money each time, would produce the million-dollar winner.
Seven one-hour episodes of ��Face the Ace�� are currently scheduled, running from the prime-time August 1st debut through January 2nd, 2010.
More information on becoming a contestant on ��Face the Ace�� is available at facetheace.com and fulltiltpoker.net. Here's the promotional trailer for Full Tilt's "Face the Ace":