GPSTS Announces Spring Schedule

The Harvard-based Global Poker Strategic Thinking Society has begun to release its schedule of events for the spring semester. While a few events remain tentative and officially unannounced, the GPSTS's already confirmed lineup shows marked growth for the society.
According to GPSTS Executive Director Andrew Woods, the society will be presenting several events during the month of February. Following the recent appearance of GPSTS founder and preseident Charles Nesson at a trade seminar in London, the next event is a Feb. 20th seminar attempting to shine a cold light onto the Massachusetts casino bill proposed by Gov. Deval Patrick. The proposed Massachusetts Casino Gaming Bill would "make online gaming illegal and punishable by up to two years in jail for both the provider and the player." Journalist Vin Narayanan, a columnist for, CNN and Capital News Service is scheduled to discuss the bill and will offer an overview of the political circumstances surrounding the legislation.
Two other February GPSTS events are also scheduled. On Feb. 21st, Wharton College and the U. of Pennsylvania host noted poker writer David Apostolico for a discussion entitled "Poker Strategies for a Winning Edge in Business". Apostolico is a former "Wall Street lawyer" and will discuss the relationships and connections between poker and the business world. On Feb. 27th, PPA Executive Director John Pappas will speak at George Washington University to discuss "the current legal regime and the poker-related legislation pending before Congress." Also up for discussion are the proposed Frank and Wexler bills and the PPA's support of each proposed bill.
Leading of the announced March schedule, the UCLA GPSTS chapter has scheduled Andy Bloch to speak about Bloch's successful translation of his mathematical and legal skills to poker. Bloch was an MIT-trained mathematician and a member at one time of the famed MIT blackjack team. Bloch will discuss the parallels between the math and analytical skills used for business and those found in the poker world. Other March events include a March 13th appearance by founder Taylor Caby at NYU Stern School of Business, and an appearance by GPSTS principals Nesson and Woods on March 19th at the University of Richmond, where they speak at a symposium entitled "Internet Gambling and the Law". Other speakers at the Richmond seminar include John Kindt, I. Nelson Rose and Frank Vandall, with the UIGEA and online-gambling laws the focus of the discussion.
The upcoming GPSTS spring schedule (items subject to addition or deletion) is as follows:
2/20/08 �C Harvard Law School to host journalist Vin Narayanan to discuss the Massachusetts Casino Gaming Bill
2/21/08 �C Wharton College and University of Pennsylvania to host David Apostolico to discuss the business implications of his text, "Poker Strategies for a Winning Edge in Business"
2/27/08 �C George Washington University to host PPA Executive Director John Pappas
3/6/08* �C University of California, Los Angeles to host noted professional poker player Andy Bloch
3/13/08 �C NYU Stern Business School to host Taylor Caby, founder of, professional poker player and entrepreneur
3/19/08 �C Professor Charles Nesson and GPSTS Executive Director Andrew Woods to speak at the Internet Gambling and the Law symposium at the University of Richmond
4/9/08 �C University of Southern California to host professional poker player Annie Duke
4/17/08 �C Stanford University to host Howard Lederer
4/25, 4/26, 4/27/08* �C GPSTS to host National Collegiate Poker Tournament in Boston, MA
5/2/08* �C Georgetown to host Dr. Alan Schoonmaker
5/12/08 �C GPSTS to host legal summit at Harvard Law School
*Dates subject to change depending on availability of speakers or venues