Bodog Announces Poker Open Tournament Series

Bodog Poker, one of the world's most popular online poker rooms, has announced the inaugural Bodog Poker Open, a series of six hold'em tournaments culminating in the Bodog Main Event. The champion of the $500 buy-in Main Event will earn claim to fame as the first-ever Bodog Poker Open Champion, along with an engraved Omega Speed Master Watch (valued at $4,400), and what is sure to be a lucrative top cash prize.
Beginning on March 3rd, five preliminary tournaments will be held over the following week, with buy-ins ranging from $110 to $325, in a variety of formats including limit, pot-limit, and no-limit six-handed. In addition to the first-place prize money, the winner of each of these events will receive a free entry to the no-limit hold'em Main Event on Sunday, March 9th. Entry into any of these tournaments can be purchased with cash or with Bodog Tournament Credits, or players can win their seats through any of the inexpensive satellite tournaments currently running on Bodog Poker.
In addition, Bodog guarantees that they will contribute $75,000 to the total prize pool, inflating the cash prizes for each of their six tournaments, and continuing the site's "overlay" tradition. With all that extra dead money in the pool before the tournaments even begin, players will be getting even more bang for their tournament bucks. For players who would like to take part in the Bodog Poker Open, the tournament schedule appears below:
Date Event Type Buy-in Added to Prize Pool
March 3rd
#1 No-Limit $250+20 $10,000
March 4th
#2 NL 6-Handed $300+25 $10,000
March 5th
#3 Rebuy (NL) $100+10 $10,000
March 6th
#4 Pot-Limit $200+15 $10,000
March 7th
#5 Limit $150+10 $10,000
March 8th �� various satellites ��
March 9th
#6 NL Main Event $470+30 $25,000