Woman Poker Player Magazine To Sponsor Author's Tournament at Binion's

For those that have read the words and wisdom of poker authors, the opportunity to play against those same wordsmiths will come to life during a tournament later in the month of January.
Woman Poker Player Magazine will be sponsoring the First Annual Poker Authors Challenge Las Vegas, which will take place at Binion's Hotel and Gaming Hall on January 21st. For a cost of $125, poker players will have the opportunity to meet and play a poker tournament with the people behind some of the best poker books on the market today. Starting at 10AM, all the authors will be present to sign their books and discuss poker with the tournament participants, then the real action will start with a poker tournament to be held afterwards.
The list of poker authors is headed by the notable writing twosome of Lou Krieger and Sheree Bykofsky (who are the hosts of the event) as they promote their latest release, The Rules Of Poker (writer's note: a review of this book is forthcoming here at PokerNews). Other authors who will be in attendance include Gary Carson, George Epstein, Russ Fox, Tony Guerrera, Susie Isaacs, Maryann Morrison, Neil Myers, Alan Schoonmaker, Richard Sparks, John Vorhaus and Kathleen Watterson. Adding into the excitement of the tournament, each of the authors will have bounties on them, providing an opportunity to take down some excellent prizes and bragging rights for the people who dismiss the authors from the tournament.
"I am excited to be working with such great sponsors and participants for this installment of our successful ongoing Poker Author Challenges," said Bykofsky (a highly successful Poker Authors Challenge was held in Atlantic City in 2006). "Binion's is a great venue for sponsoring and hosting this event. With low room rates and in the heart of downtown Las Vegas, this tournament will be sure to be a fun and challenging event for all players."
Other sponsors of the event include the Internet poker radio station Hold 'Em Radio (holdemradio.com), The Gambler's Bookshop, Kensington Books and Susie Isaacs. The tournament itself will be broadcast live on Hold 'Em Radio on the 21st and should be an entertaining way for those who can't make it to Binion's to join in on the excitement of the event. For more details on the First Annual Poker Authors Challenge Las Vegas, check out the latest issue of Woman Poker Player Magazine and to book a room directly for the event, call Binion's at (800) 937-6537.